Big kid now

Babess was weighed and measured this week.  Good news!  She is finally heavy enough (just over 9kg/20lb) to face forward in her car-seat!  It’s quite a birthday present for her, but I do wonder how she will react, as she is very much used to facing backwards everywhere we go.

She’s also 77.5cm tall, which is 2ft 6.5in.  In both height and weight, she has almost come up to the 3rd percentile, which means that more than 97% of NZ children her age are still bigger than she is.  According to the charts, she’s about average for a 9-month-old, and certainly her clothing sizes reflect that.  We’re starting to get hand-me-downs from people with younger children…

However, any physical shortcomings (ahem!) are more than compensated for by her force of personality.  And developmentally she is doing very well.  I had to smother a laugh when the nurse asked whether she was talking in full sentences.  I’m told that she also has very good fine motor skills – and this was confirmed when I saw her stick together three Lego bricks.  Not the large toddler-sized ones, little Lego bricks.  I thought that was pretty amazing, for her age.

Susan (WhyMommy), from ToddlerPlanet, is still working her way through radiation treatment, and it’s starting to really take it out of her.  She’s still writing amazing pieces advocating for more and better research, though, as well as taking her boys on awesome summer trips to their local museums and managing to spend time with friends as well.  Go leave her a comment.  But first, check out the signs of breast cancer here:  There’s not always a lump… and remember, men get it too!

© UpsideBackwards, 2010. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and owner is strictly prohibited.

One Response to “Big kid now”

  1. leechbabe Says:

    My girls are at the opposite end of the height spectrum being taller than 97% of their peers.

    Between us our kids are average 😀

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